Thursday 3 November 2011

Disney: What are you going to do?

For those of you who have not yet expereinced DisneyLand Paris, you may like to know that disney like to focus on themes...

From the hotels being themed, to the whole year being dedicated to a theme. Last year, 2010, DinseyLand Paris yearly event was called New Generation Festival, where everythign was focused around introducing the new charaters and films that have been made over the last few years.
2010 new characters were Princess Tiana, from the Film Princess and the Frog. Toy Story 2 etc etc.

How they focus on these charaters or events is they put on shows and parades, with these characters being the main focus of the events! The shows are aproximately 15 minutes long in the main centre of the park, with an amazing show performance, the Kids will be screaming like they were at a concert! they would love it!

The Parades are scheduled, which you will find the times in one of the parks programs. Each parade has a different theme, again this can be found in the programe, and each one is in different parts of the park. They
dont happen every day like the shows mentioned above- so remember where they are and be there on time or your'l miss it!...

This year, 2012 the theme is focused around DisneyLand Paris 20th Anniversary! what this space for more details- the new broucher is out soon... ..

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