Wednesday 26 October 2011

Boeing 787 Dreamliner

The Boeing 787 Dreamliner has today finaly entered service. The all new 787 Dreamliner has taken it's maiden commercial flight from Tokyo to Hong Kong.

This is exciting news for the likes of Thomson airways who will soon see the arrival of their new fleet of Boeing 787 Dreamliners. For the likes of you and me this is exciting to as it will herald a new class of flying and almost certainly create a new around of airline wars.

Rumour has it that the new Boeing 787 Dreamliners entering service with the likes of Thomson include some exciting new features. For example, gone are the days of pulling the window blind down. Simply touch the glass and it will automatically darken, touch it again and it will become transparent.

In addition, I'm told there are exciting changes happening with the seating. You would think it was difficult to do anything new with the seating, but apparantly (if rumours are believed to be true) Recaro (the sporty car seat people) have created a whole new type of seat which occupies the same amount of space on the plane, but gives us an entirely new perception of space and comfort. I'm looking forward to seeing this.
Photo courtesty of Boeing website - click for details

The new Boeing 787 Dreamliner is about 20% more fuel efficient than other similar size aircraft so this is great news for us as well as it will help reduce the rising price of air travel.

Although many years late, the Boeing 787 Dreamliner is finally here. I look forward to taking my first flight.

For more information on the maiden flight click here.

For more information about the Boeing 787 Dreamliner click here.

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