Friday 11 November 2011

Single Supplements - Why?

As a travel agent, I often meet the the problem of single supplements. Single travellers feel aggrieved that they are being made to pay more for their holiday, and often look on it as an unfair discrimination against them. As an occasional single traveller myself, I know how they feel!

The real problem is - it is not a supplement at all, and it is calling it this that tends to frustrate people!

The main reason that travelling as a single costs more than as a couple is mathematical. It is easiest to see it in an example:

Say flights to a cheap destination cost £100pp, and the room is £100 for the 7 nights on a room only basis.

So for two people the cost is £100x2 + £100 = £300 = £150pp
But for 1 person it is £100 + £100 = £200pp.

Describing this as a "Single Supplement of £50" is unfair - it is just the cost!

Of course it is often more complicated - if the hotel includes food and drink in the cost of the room, then the room cost is likely to be more for 2 people staying than for 1, but hidden within this is still the cost of the room on its own for the stay.

Often also the hotel may have restrictions on who can stay in which room types. They may not release family rooms to single travellers - and in some cases they may not accept single travellers at all (for example in a "couples only" resort). All this may sound like discrimination, but in the end they are only ensuring the stay at their property is as good as it can be for their target clientel.

So if you are planning to travel as a single, give us a call. We can help you find the best deal for your needs!

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