Wednesday 21 September 2011

Tunisia, Do you dare?

Tunisia is a misunderstood country... if you went to this country 15-20 years ago- go back and you will see how much it has changed.

Important Facts to get you going

Tunisia is in North Africa, and is only a 5 hour Flight away from the UK- bonus no jet lag!

This country can also be classed as a cheaper version to Egypt, as packages are by far cheaper.

The Tunisian Tourist board have put great pains in to updating this country in terms of tourism and putting right the wrongs of the past for this destination to be on par with the likes of Egypt.

Tunisia is full of promise!

There is plenty of history to be explored here!
The famous Phoenician city of Carthage
Roman Rule
Ottoman Rule
for the film buffs, Monty Pythons, Life of Brian was filmed in Monasitr and Star wars
And much more

Currency in Tunisia is Tunisian Dinar also a soft currency. Which means it fluctuates as a result of the country's political or economic uncertainty. You are not able to obtain any Tunisian Dinars in the Uk before you go. You are only able to exchange your money in Tunisia.
Panic not! this can be done in ALL of the hotels, to which they all provide a cash point machine. As well as being able to exchange your money in the airport.

One important thing to state- it is illegal to take any Tunisian Currency outside Tunisia, and you must exchange your money back.

Everywhere will accept British pounds, along with US dollars. They love this currency!

Remember that Tunisia is NOT part of Europe, hence it being that much cheaper, therefore, their banking system is not the same as ours. Restaurants will put high surcharges on credit cards, make sure you ask before giving your card over- It is not recommended you use your debit card, or use the cash machines in the streets or the banks. If you need cash, make sure you use the cash machines provided in the Hotel.

The language spoken is French, but like all other countries, they can speak English.

Tunisia is a Muslim country, but it is not a strict Muslim, and they enjoy a significant degree of religious freedom, with others practising Christianity and Judaism.

One final point- no there are no Arabs wondering around the town offer to buy you for 20 camels!

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