Saturday 26 November 2011

Thomas Cook Holidays Secure Funding

Thomas Cook Holidays have today announced they have secured £200 million in additional funding. This is great news for both Thomas Cook, the travel industry and anyone who has booked a holiday with them.

The news earlier this week that Thomas Cook had short term cash flow requirements, meant lots of people were unsure as to what would be happening with Thomas Cook. The news that banks have very quickly stepped in and agreed £200 million of funding is testament to the fact the banks have extreme confidence in Thomas Cook.

When you consider the fact that Thomas Cook has over 20 million customers a year, it's a very solid business and one which will be around for a very long time.

If you were thinking of booking either a last minute holiday, or a holiday for 2012, Thomas Cook is a very safe bet. As one of the top travel  companies in the UK they have some of the best deals in the industry.

The great news is of course that we can book Thomas Cook holidays, normally even cheaper than going direct. Checkout all of our deals online at

Book your holiday now with Not Just Travel and Thomas Cook and you will benefit from great savings and 100% financial security.

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