Wednesday 9 September 2009

Last Minute Honeymoons in September

Before I became a honeymoon specialist I always assumed everyone planned their honeymoons way in advance....however I was surprisingly wrong.

Last minute honeymoons are very much the in thing at the moment with, many couples leaving it until just a few weeks before the wedding in order to book. In fact it's a growing trend, you could almost say it makes the whole experience more exciting.

So where is popular for a last minute honeymoon at the moment?
Our top 5 last minute honeymoon destinations this September

  1. Maldives
  2. Mauritius
  3. Antigua
  4. Mexico
  5. Cuba

It's obviously moving towards winter so now is the time to start considering longer haul destinations, but what's also good at the moment is that many of the long haul destinations have excellent discounts.

Why are Long Haul destinations more popular for last minute holidays?

You'll find really good deal on a lot of long haul destinations at the moment. Two things really count in your favour. Obviously school holidays have finished so prices drop. However many countries are now at the tail end of their wet / windy seasons, therefore you'll find there are great deals prior to them being at the peak of their hot weather.

Our top 5 destinations remain firm favourites all year round, but in particular at the moment, the Maldives is proving an incredibly popular honeymoon destination. Mauritius and Antigua are very popular for luxury holidays but with the opportunity to do a little bit of sight seeing and exploring (of course we know that honeymoons are very much about staying in your resort and doing very little!!). Mexico and Cuba are proving to give exceptional discounts at the moment which means they are a great alternative to a short haul destination such as Turkey or Canaries Islands.

What is a last minute honeymoon?
We class last minute as any honeymoon that travels in the next 12 weeks. However many of the last minute bookings we are taking at the moment are for travel in the next 4 weeks. It certainly ads an element of excitment to the whole honeymoon concept :)

If you've got any questions about last minute honeymoons then let us know and we'll be happy to answer them - either ideas of places to go, questions about booking a honeymoon and more.


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