Tuesday, 26 March 2013

BA Extends Lower Fares

British Airways has now extended it's new 'hand-baggage only' fares to all of it's 32 short haul routes it operates from Gatwick airport.

Back in February British Airways introduced the concept on five routes including Amsterdam, Dubrovnik, Jersey, Tunis and Turin. The pricing meant that if you just carried hand luggage on to the plane you had a reduced price. 

The new low cost 'hand-baggage' pricing will role out on all 32 short-haul routes BA operates from Gatwick from 2nd April 2w013. Passengers can expect between a £9 - £15 discount if they just take hand luggage. 

Destinations included within the 32 short haul routes operated by BA include:  Barcelona, Genoa, Venice and Nice.

1 comment:

  1. This sounds like a great deal! Unfortunately I find it really hard to travel without my rolling luggage
